Tuesday 4 January 2011


The potrel is one of importan thing in the in the deily life. But there are many people not have idea about how to refine from oil to petrel. In this essay I will show some easy steps about how to refine from oil to petrel.

First, the oil should be located. Second, the oil should be pumped through pipeline. Next, the oil should be stored in storage tanks. After that, the oil should be refined different products in clouding petrol. Then, the petrol should be stored in tanks. Next, the petrol should be transported to petrol stations. After that, the petrol should be stored in underground tanks. Finally, the petrol will be pumped in to car tanks.

To sum up, you most be care full when you felon the steps. However, refine the oil to petrol is very easy if you make sure you following the steps in the righted order.

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