Tuesday 4 January 2011


Before two months I had an issue that I had to face which made big problems. I was sitting home watching tv and the laptop was open because I was listening to the music. After that I desired to check my email to see what new emails I got and I actually check my email once a week.

Once I opened my email there was an mail that have been sent to me in the same day and it was sent from the bank so I opened the mail to check it and see what they have sent. Once I opened the mail i had a big shock I breifly could breathed that time. It was written in the mail that in the same day I have transfered 100,000 Dh from my bank account into another account. I went crazy and couldnt sleep the night and the next day morning I went to the bank to see the issue that Iam facing and after talking to the manager it seems that instead of sending this mail to a know business men they sent it to me and the manager and the bank were so sorry for this big mistake.

In conclusion we people should always be in a healthy condition so we dont have heart attacks from other people's mistakes. I hope employees save right information and data of there consumers to avoid mistakes. I prefer the emlpoyees check mails twice before sending it.

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