Tuesday 4 January 2011


Before two months I had an issue that I had to face which made big problems. I was sitting home watching tv and the laptop was open because I was listening to the music. After that I desired to check my email to see what new emails I got and I actually check my email once a week.

Once I opened my email there was an mail that have been sent to me in the same day and it was sent from the bank so I opened the mail to check it and see what they have sent. Once I opened the mail i had a big shock I breifly could breathed that time. It was written in the mail that in the same day I have transfered 100,000 Dh from my bank account into another account. I went crazy and couldnt sleep the night and the next day morning I went to the bank to see the issue that Iam facing and after talking to the manager it seems that instead of sending this mail to a know business men they sent it to me and the manager and the bank were so sorry for this big mistake.

In conclusion we people should always be in a healthy condition so we dont have heart attacks from other people's mistakes. I hope employees save right information and data of there consumers to avoid mistakes. I prefer the emlpoyees check mails twice before sending it.

Mr. Bean

I have an appointment with my dentist after 2 weeks, but when I saw Mr. Bean I wish that the trouble that Mr. Bean had will never happen to me. Going to the dentist needs to be a person with a long patience.
Mr. Bean has an appointment with the dentist at 9 am and his alarm clock rings at 8:45 am and then he wake up. Mr. Bean gets out of bed. While Mr. Bean is shaving his moustache he reads his note about the dentist. Mr. Bean hurried to his car and dresses while driving. Mr. Bean plays with the dentist chair. Mr. Bean stabs the dentist the syringe and then the dentist falls down. While Mr. Bean fixes his own teeth the dentist wakes up therefore Mr. Bean leaves the dentist office.
In conclusion, Mr. Bean was a careless man and he did not set quietly. I think that the patient should be a gentleman with his dentist and he should be respectable with his dentist and let him to see his work.


The potrel is one of importan thing in the in the deily life. But there are many people not have idea about how to refine from oil to petrel. In this essay I will show some easy steps about how to refine from oil to petrel.

First, the oil should be located. Second, the oil should be pumped through pipeline. Next, the oil should be stored in storage tanks. After that, the oil should be refined different products in clouding petrol. Then, the petrol should be stored in tanks. Next, the petrol should be transported to petrol stations. After that, the petrol should be stored in underground tanks. Finally, the petrol will be pumped in to car tanks.

To sum up, you most be care full when you felon the steps. However, refine the oil to petrol is very easy if you make sure you following the steps in the righted order.