Wednesday 23 February 2011

Good afternoon gentles men , I’m glad to be here today to share my little experience in this life , in begging I would like to introduce myself ,My name is Saeed Rashed Al Abdouli , I’m from Al _Fujairah , and I grow up a small village , it called Al Bayiadh , it has a big valley , called ALwereah. It’s very famous .Also it has the oldest mosque in the United Arab Emirates. It called Bayiadh mosques. Its 1000 years old .It’s built in opening Islamic days. I finished my high school in 1997. Then, I was seeking for good colleges and major, but unfortunately it was long time to find a good one , I went to Zayed university, and I studied for one year for business and financial, but I didn’t continue , because I didn’t like the subject .After that , I went to different college , and I studied low for a year, but it was so expensive college and I couldn’t offered .Next ,I went to join the air force to become a pilot , but again I failed in medical exam , they found that , I have color blind . Next I went to Army military for short period , and from there , everything went different .the commander of base request me to continue my study in Uk , after he heard my story and my ambition to be a pilot . So I went there. and I studied aviation ,i finished in 2002 , then I came back to home and start working in flight line , but wasn’t that pleasure to me , because I didn’t feel comfortable , so I decide to continue my seeking to be a pilot ,at the end they expect me to fly in morning only , I mean in day light , however I can’t fly at night .So i decide to agree what I Allah choice for me . Right now I’m working as a special guard for President Sheik Khliafh Bin Zayed. I learned a lot from life and I have a good experience on people and a good back ground in different cultures. Also, I learn that you have to fallow your faith to get your goal.

The diffculties of speaking in public

Speaking in public present problem to the most of people. They often find themselves becoming overacting and strong feeling of shyness and pressures. Especially if people are very important.
Some students, who have no fear are the unusual onces .But most of them avoid talking speech classes, which is unfortunate. Some of them say that, death is easier than speech in public.
According to that, I found the most difficulties are facing the audience and how to start the speech. Another problem is that not understand the assignment and doesn’t how to practice .Moreover, some of them don’t comfortable with research. Also, some of students don’t know have the techniques or how to use the power point if they going to use it .Other problem don’t have confident with voice. They afraid people laugh at them. Finally, the more reason that, don’t have skills or experience.
All in all, I can say that, speech is main problem for students, also, the public speaking is important skill and this will be worth it.
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