Wednesday 6 October 2010

E-portfolios vs. paper

     Portfolio is a large flat case for carrying document such as, maps, drawings and photographs. There is many different kinds. I’m going to write the similarities and differences between electronic portfolio and paper portfolio.
     There are a few similiaries between paper portfolio and electric portfolio. The first similarity is that both of them keep the information. Another similarity is that all people can use them. Yet another similarity is that easy to write on it.
    Although there are some similarities between electronic portfolio and paper portfolio, there are also several differences. The first difference is that different equipment is needed for each of these portfolios .To write on paper you need pen .On other hand to write in electronic you need only type. Another different is that the saving store in different way .In electronic portfolio you don’t need big space to store, whereas in paper portfolio you need big place to store. A final different is that, you need more money for paper portfolio, on other hand, you save money for electronic portfolio.
    All in all, the differences outwieght the summitries .In now days, is good to use electronic portfolio because you can find any information you search.

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