Tuesday 26 October 2010

LSAE125 and LSEC100

The English Language is very important to study class LSAE125 and LSEC100.Skills and practice are the goals of these classes’ .many students do not see the difference between them. So I’m going to write the similarities and the difference between them.
They are afew similarities between LSAE125 and LSEC100. The first similarity is that, both of them improve our English .For Example LSAE125 give us more practice in writing essays. Also, the LSEC100give us more writing in resecah skills .Another similarity is that they use the same tools for teaching .Example ,they use the computer for teaching .Another similarity is that , they have same goal. Example, activites summary.
Although , there are similarities between LSAE125 and LSEC100,there are several difference . The first difference is that , they use different style of lectures .For Example , LSAE125 always  the class in seminary  class . The second difference is that , they both have different time  in LSAE125 ,they have more lasses than LSEC100 .On  another hand the LSAE125 give self study . A final difference is that , they have different time  modes of independent study .
         All in all , we can see that , the difference outweigh of similarities .The most important aspect is that , they  complement each other .

Compare the Bugatti Veyron and Porsche 911 Turbo

Compare the Bugatti Veyron and Porsche 911 Turbo
 The frist car was invented in1700  by an English man .It was very simple and worked by steam .That was the style people knew .But by human impious , they start developing  and modification the cars .The meaning of cars ,become more attractive .So companies starting made different style of car. Germany company is one of the highest thankful for the car .They brought to the world a gift which are Bugatti Veyron and Porsche 911 Turbo. So I would like to describe the similarities and differences in them .
These cars have several things in common .A major similarity is style .Both of the are racing cars, so they only drive in racing track .Another similarity is cost . Most of them are extremely expensive .So the ordinary people can’t buy them .In additional to this , German company made only few of these car. And limit  use .Besides these things they both have similar in economies .Bugatti Veron have high tech manufactured good and so does Porsche 911.
There are a number of significant  differences between Bugatti Veyron and Porsche 911. An important one is  the weight of body .The Bugatti Veyron  weights  435 LB (Bovingdon ,Jethro ,29 Aug. 2010 ) .And Porsche 911  weights 3650-3750LB (Kim Renolds  setp.2007) . Another difference is speed .Bugatti Veyron can go from 0-60 in 2.7 seconds (MFR) ,( Bovingdon ,Jethro  ,29 Aug. 2010 ) .And likewise the Porsche 911 can also go from 0-60 in 3.6 seconds (MFR) (Kim Renolds setp 2007) .In additional in that , they have different horse power . Bugatti Veyron has 1,001 HP (Bovingdon ,Jethro ,29 Aug. 2010 ). Also the Porsche 911 has 480 HP ( Kim Renolds setp 2007 ) .The last difference is the safety . Bugatti Veyron is more safer than Porsch 911(Bovingdon ,Jethro ,29 Aug. 2010 ) (KimRenolds setp 2007) The Final difference is the Transmission .The Bugatti Veyron carry 7 speed ,twin clutch auto ,neither the Porsche 911 has 6 speed manual .
All in all , we can see that ,the weight of differences more than similarity .And both of these cars are luxury and high range .Also they have a good safety drive .However , we know that the speed can cause death when no need for it .
Renolds, K. (2007, September). Topless Turbo: the 192-mph tanning booth. Motor Trend, 59(9), 158. Retrieved from  .Picture of Bugatt (Peter Dormevil.com,May,3rd,2010)   Picture of Porsch( bp.blog .com )

Wednesday 13 October 2010

How to download game in your I POD ?

Downloading is one of the highest revolution system discovered in early 2oth century. Companies, factors and civilian using downloading for different sources. But some people find it difficult and confusing .For example, to download game to your I POD .You needs few steps. So, I’m going to write how to do download.
First of all , you need to have PC computer  and wire cable .Then open site ,where free games or I tunes  to download .Next , click in store and choice the iPod game you looking for .After that ,sync your new game and plug pod  cable to your PC computer .Moreover , wait a few seconds  until signal complete .Finally , Discontent   the cable and play your game .
All in all, we can see that downloading is just easy steps .Also doesn’t need much equipment and times. However, make sure that the loading is free for items .

Wednesday 6 October 2010

E-portfolios vs. paper

     Portfolio is a large flat case for carrying document such as, maps, drawings and photographs. There is many different kinds. I’m going to write the similarities and differences between electronic portfolio and paper portfolio.
     There are a few similiaries between paper portfolio and electric portfolio. The first similarity is that both of them keep the information. Another similarity is that all people can use them. Yet another similarity is that easy to write on it.
    Although there are some similarities between electronic portfolio and paper portfolio, there are also several differences. The first difference is that different equipment is needed for each of these portfolios .To write on paper you need pen .On other hand to write in electronic you need only type. Another different is that the saving store in different way .In electronic portfolio you don’t need big space to store, whereas in paper portfolio you need big place to store. A final different is that, you need more money for paper portfolio, on other hand, you save money for electronic portfolio.
    All in all, the differences outwieght the summitries .In now days, is good to use electronic portfolio because you can find any information you search.

How to create a new blog

         Blog is a new system generation for students and teachers use. It has linking for essay and information you need about courses .So, I’m going to write about how to make the blog.
         First of all, open new tap .Then, write BlogSpot .com .After that, put an email address that you have it already. Next enter password that easy to memories twice. Moreover, choice nice nick name that you can use it as indefiaction in the site. Finally, put new photo of you and fill some personal information .
        In my opinion, the Blog is very helpful site and should all students and teachers know how to make it.