Sunday 5 June 2011

Summery Assignment CIF

On the 2nd of Jun 2011, on Too8, Ateeq’s presentation was bout solution of air pollution .He guided the audience of how he could save or help the world .Also, his process was great and useful.

The presentation style was just good ,also, his eye contact was perfectly at audience .He seemed well preparing .Moreover ,his English was more than good , which had more strong vecabloury and gramlitly .Also , he had a good organization using some technology such as power point . He started with simple exampled and ended with strong method .He spoke with very clear voice and a good pronunciation. Moreover, he brought a very good consequence of the solution and he added many verities of different possible of solution.

Over all, I thought the presentation was more than good and well organized .It was very helpful and clear image of air pollution .Also, it was pretty .

Wednesday 1 June 2011


The presentation lesson had been popular since it started between us .It was concerned in many categories like, variety in different topic and speak style of own self .Moreover It gave me as students the opportunity to study hard and understanding well the topic. So the more i participate on the presentation class , the more I gain command in it . For example, language and expand of the understanding of the topic can provide me mistake.

On this presentation I did very well, because I followed the rules, such as my eye contact. In the old presentation I was looking around the class instead look to the audience .Also my voice was loud with no good prounctuion .But in this presentation I used my time to complete me role. Moreover, I was more confident than before .Other things, that I did a lot of research on the topic, so that gave me a good backup of topic. At the end I worked with all teacher commons on my last presentation and was very helpful.

The first experience is that, I learned how independent in myself and also, that gave me accredit of exchange information on more participation. I offered myself more time, because, this course is taught by regular student. Also, the college work can place excessive demands on the memory capacity on me. I had some problems experienced such as a difficulty filing certain kinds of new information in my memory, such as remembering ideas while creating a sentence or finding information in long-term memory. Beside that, I had difficulty of understanding information presented on concepts .In addition, it improved my language abilities, and encouraged me to further develop such as skills. Also, it allowed me to design my own style speech with good techniques.Morover, it improved my reading and I learned a new vocabulary and grammatical skills from quizzes question .

Over all, my knowledge of many specific topics that expands dramatically, whether of planets, White board and air pollutions.