Tuesday 22 March 2011

Report of presentation

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Traffic in HCT

This meeting was about traffic in HCT. I was the leader of the team. I was talking and guiding my team on how to solve the complex problem of traffic in HCT. Also, this process helped the head department college to find suitable solution as request .On the mean i tried to improve the situation regarding traffic problems suggesting some of

To start, I present some areas of concern. One of these was how to avoid accidents and make enough space for by parking taken, I was devising some new guide line for the college to act on.
The members started to fallow problems exposed v through this process Example for causes, not enough spot park, student don’t make enough between cars, student how came late and park anywhere and some student have bad habit .However ,we explained the solution and tried to reality Likewise ,put fine tickets ,traffic light ,around about and build underground . However, some of member had disagreement and other not. Also, I established some common view from different student in college, which was very helpful for our solution.

In the end, after we disused all the matter and found the right solutions. It was decided that what college should do to provide the consequences of traffic accident .Also, we finished the meeting with organized result and all members felt pretty good of privacy job. Finally, I covered all the issues and I made everybody clear, even the minute taker.