Wednesday 29 September 2010

How to mak a good coffee

  Coffee is one of the oldest drink human begun discover in past day. Sincethat time, they starting develop making different type of flavor .Now days yousee people heading to coffee shops, waiting in cue and even spend more money .So I’m going to write the instructions of how to make a good coffee on your own way.                                                                                                           
          First of all, pick the coffee beans from trees by hand .Second, remove the outer skin from the beans. Then wash the beans and make sure use fresh water. After that, dry the beans. .Next, roast the beans in very hot oven. Moreover, soak the coffee in warm water to remove chaff. Additionally drain the mixture .Next, freeze and then crush the mixture. Finally dry in a vacuum and store in airtight container.
             Overall, we can see how simple making coffee on your own way.  In other words, even though the instructions of making coffee may look very easy. It’s important for learning to see and practice these different instructions.